But the Kids Are Getting Socialized...
The teachers were on strike and blasting 'We're Not Going to Take It' by Twisted Sister (from an SUV no less) at the perimeter of the school.
The kids were on 'lockdown' with police at the doors refusing to let any of them out.
Eight security guards were fired for 'unacceptable background checks'.
Four students climbed out of high school windows to escape imprisonment.
Students used such words as 'chaos' and 'crazy' to describe the situation inside the school.
It appears that possibly up to 10 students who walked out with an 'excused absence' were children of striking teachers. This event apparently lead to the 'lockdown'.
Parents know how bad the public schools are. I talk to them every day - and we live in a terrible school district. Yet they yank the kiddies out of bed every morning, dress them, feed them, and send them into the cesspit.
Like, yoooooo-hooooooo! We have choices here in America. Wake up. Our government doesn't throw us into jail if we decide that the public school isn't the best place for our kids. And it most certainly is not the best place for them.
God bless America. God save the Republic. Homeschool your children!
Story found at Drudge.