Grizzly Mama
There's a Grizzly who has escaped the City of Brotherly Love..(and she's going back to homeschooling!!)
About Me
- Name: Grizzly Mama
- Location: Out of Philly, Pennsylvania, United States
"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." Aristotle - Greek Philosopher.
That material looks like something some Saudi king would stand in front of.
It does!
That BHO didn't have the flag at his recent press conference AND won't be at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial Day speak volumes as to how little he cares about America and American tradition.
I have been poking around, and apparently that curtain has been in that room for awhile.
I am pretty pissed that they guy holds our flag in such contempt. He's a jackass.
Looks like that curtain was made from one of Michelle's dresses, or maybe vice-versa.
LOL. Oh - that Michelle has got the worst damn taste in clothing. Swear!
But the press just can't get over her amazingly toned upper arms!
nice post.great to see the video of conference. It’s not like the campaign is still going on and it’s Obama vs McCain. This is about spending a trillion dollars, half of which adds little value other than placating major Democratic campaign donors.We are creating 4,000,000 Jobs ? How many government jobs ? Why does the Coastguard need a 1/2 billion dollar icebreaker. If one were to believe Al’ Gore’s global warming predictions, as Obama says he does, than this is hardly necessary.
samsung behold II
Amen, amen, truly I sayeth unto thee, my just and worthy liege, the stanky, puppet BO is simply a pawn for the billionaires who care AB-solutely nuthin about morality and freedom. Believe a 'coup d'etat's in order... or one will surely come when BO signs over our RITES in the 'posse comitatus' Then, anarchy ensues. Git yer gun, Paw, or head to the hills. I'll see you in Heaven. God bless you.
See 'peace-de-resistance' God bless you.
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