One year ago we watched in horror as the reports came in of the bombings in London. It was added to the horror of all of the attacks by mohammedans in recent years. London hits close for some odd reason. London is all about better culture, refined behavior, liberal
(and I mean that in the best possible way!) values. Some of my ancestors hailed from England and Ireland. I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Some of the best ideas originated in England. These ideas carried us forward - all of us.
The Sparky shares what life in England is like these days. It is not a pretty picture. The leftists are at the helm and the ship is listing badly. The flaming dhimmis are in control and have left the law abiding citizen no way of defending themselves. The crime rate is skyrocketing, the unassimilated mohammedan masses are pissed off no matter how much money the government pays in tribute to them and it seems that one cannot find a policeman anywhere. The sparks most certainly fly at Sparky's place.
Andrew at A Tangled Web shares his frustration about the seething masses of mohammedans who refuse to assimilate. A sizable minority from this community fully support the bombings that took place one year ago.
David, who hails from the same blog (A Tangled Web), tells us about a video, broadcast on Al Jazeera, of one of the murderers and his statement that recognized the fact that mohammedans are at war with us.
We remember the victims of that horrible day. They are the ones who matter and who need to be remembered. God bless your souls, God bless the survivors and give you all strength. May our resolution grow stronger. We must stand our ground and never back down.