I got tagged by
NBR, who has recently decided to homeschool her beautiful girls. I am glad for this little prompt, as I have been so overwhelmed by all of the changes in my life that I just cannot seem to write about all of the things going on in the world. There is a LOT going on in the world! LOL. Right now I'm dealing mainly with the rollercoaster emotions of my little ones, who are quite traumatized by the move. They're going to be fine - it's just hard going through this move for them. At times I've felt horrible for putting them through it but hopefully they will learn that they can do this - deal with these changes and deal with them well. We are in a different world out here! Poor little buggers. So - here's what I have to do: Tell you 7 things about me with a little explanation.
1. I have moved in excess of 10 times in my life. I had to figure this out because my youngest at times doesn't believe that she'll survive this. (That's just a bit of a dramatic way to describe her feelings..) Most of my moving was done after I left home at 17. When I was small, the moves were more of an exciting adventure to me. Except when I was in 2nd grade and we moved in the middle of the school year clear across the country and I burst into tears when the teacher introduced me to the class. She gave me a big hug - which I hear they are not allowed to do now.
2. I cross-stitch. Counted cross-stitch. It takes FOREVER to complete one. I can't imagine why I took up this hobby as I am very impatient and oftentimes don't complete other projects that I've started. I have several completed projects framed and on the walls.
3. I wish that Troll and I could take the girls on a round-the-world trip. It would be a great homeschooling exercise, wouldn't it?
4. I am 7th out of 8 kids. When I was 10 I wanted to get married and have 12 babies. Yikes!
5. Troll and I got married after knowing each other 1 week. After many fits and starts we have made it to almost 20 years. January 15th, 2008 will be our 20th. Twenty years goes fast!
6. I am a terrible cook, but a fantastic baker. Troll is a fantastic cook and a terrible baker. It's a good fit.
7. My family of origin all live within, like, 5 miles of each other. I live, like, over a thousand miles from them. I sometimes wonder what happened...
I'm not tagging anyone else. I'm just too TIRED to try to think of anyone right now.
Have a great day everyone!