Eragon, Your Lips Taste Like Pineapple..
The 6 y/old has won a poetry contest. The little one - who never has won anything. It has been quite a shock to her and she keeps saying, 'I can't believe that I won!' She will get a copy of the book that is being made containing the winning poems and a certificate at a ceremony. She's my little creative one! I am happy to see her win - her big sister racks up ribbons and medals and trophys without even trying. lol. She has been very sweet although I know she must be a bit disappointed because her own poem did not win. Another discussion followed about how she is very pleased with her poem and the point of writing poems is to express oneself in a different way - - and so did she express herself and her feelings in her poem? Does she like her poem? Both answers yes. Everyone cannot win the poetry contest - especially when we are talking thousands of entries. Thank goodness the girls can be happy for one another in their successes.
I'm beat. Don't know what's up. Just so much going on all of the time. We've got the handbell concert done - that was quite a big deal and they did very well. No more handbell choir until Fall. We just finished up our last session of gymnastics yesterday. Troll is in and out with his wrist. He is still in a lot of pain and is very bad about wearing his sling! He won't listen to me - you tell him - maybe he'll listen to you. Go on over to his blog and tell him to wear his sling and stop using that hand! Here is the link.
We have been helping my MIL with her move - it is a big one after being in the same house for almost 20 years. Quite traumatic for her. We are also helping our good neighbor leftist move. Yes - THE good neighbor leftist. No more fights over coffee.
So many changes happening. And then we are seriously considering putting our house up for sale soon. Just the thought of that sends me right over the edge. We have accumulated so much crap in the last 9 years of living in our little rowhouse.
I've just been terrible about posting. I've been following the shenanigans of our elected representatives, though - it's enough to make you want to cry isn't it? Putting that horrible bill through and then going on vacation. Then the British sailors being abducted by that nasty Iranian state? We need to do more than beg the Useless UN to send a strongly worded letter. It's time to hurt those islamic maniacs and hurt them bad. Speaking of islamic maniacs - CAIR and the lawsuit against the airline for booting those crazy imams? Huh. I think our legislature actually did get something right in protecting the John and Jane Doe's reporting suspicious behavior.
Okay. So. One thing they did right. We can be grateful for that anyway.