It pains me to say it. There was a sliver of me that wanted to believe my President when he told me that Islam is the 'Religion of Peace.'
We attended the meeting sponsored by Cair-Philly at U.Penn. The panelists included Sofia Memon and Adeeba Al Zaman from
CairPhilly, Dr. Khalid A.Y. Blankinship, Dr. Mazhar Rishi (scroll to near end of article and see Dr. Rishi's statement, Imam Isa Abdul Mateen, and
Rachel Lawton.Rachel Lawton was there to say that pestering someone in the workplace about their religion after they have communicated that they do not want to discuss religion is harassment and will be pursued.
Ms. Memon and Ms. Al Zaman seemed to be reasonable at first - especially Ms. Sofia Memon who hesitantly stated that if the violence by muslims worldwide has not been condemned than it should be. That's the closest we could get to a condemnation. She was almost apologetic when saying it - but God bless her she did try. She tried hard when she responded that non-violent dialogue is much preferred when a hooded and scarved mother of 6 came to the microphone with her most recent addition to the brood and advocated violence. (Atleast I think it was a 'she' - who could tell? She was hiding inside those robes.) Ms. Memon also stated, though, that we must accept their free speech and that we are 'oppressing' it. They were terribly nervous about any possible dissent and I can't say that I blame them. I'm sure the radicals don't approve of their western wear or the fact that their hair is showing. Better watch those necks, ladies!
Which brings us to Blankinship. What a kook. The most he had to add to the discussion was that the Danes are Nazis and the 'Bush lied-People died' type of claptrap that we are used to seeing the leftists spout. Oh yes. He also said that the Pentagon won't hire Arabic speakers or even persons who express an interest in learning Arabic and in fact will break down their doors in the middle of the night and seize their computers. He liked to stab his finger at the audience and look angry and nasty. Not surprising that he's the head of a department in Academia, is it? You're a KOOK, Blankinship! That's my opinion and I am proud to state it.
Dr. Mazhar Rishi - maybe he is one of the 'moderates' that we so often hear about? He started his 5 minutes with a quote from the Koran about how Christians and Jews along with Muslims are eligible to get to heaven. A nice man who I would dearly love to sit and have a cup of coffee with - he atleast seemed open to having a discussion. One thing that bothered me is that he attempted to sell dhimmitude as a wonderful thing. Wrongo Fu$....well - I'll behave. Don't try to sell me a lie Dr. Rishi. I will not subject my daughters to Islam nor will I allow dhimmitude. I think you will find millions of Americans like me who adhere to what Patton once said. We'll do our part in making sure that the enemy is the one dying for the glory of Islam. I'm not sure that Dr. Rishi is behind the push for an Islamic States of America but he sure did try to convince me that Muslims in the past have been very fair and loving with their subjugation of the dhimmis.
Saving the best for last I present Imam Isa Abdul Mateen. What an angry man - and a man very concerned about OPPRESSION - so concerned that he shouted about it atleast twice - possibly three times. According to our vaunted Imam - all terror is justified because they are OPPRESSED! He compared beheading innocents, torching everything in sight, threatening more 9/11's, and knifing bicyclists to death to --- the Boston Tea Party. Swear to God - he did. I believe it was the Imam who quoted a Bible verse to justify blasphemers being put to death. The Imam appeared to have been followed by several bearded lackeys who stood at the back of the room and would shout out now and then in support of his position. One of them went to the microphone to challenge Dr. Rishi on his contention that Christians and Jews would make it to heaven. Dr. Rishi explained that this was not the time for theological discussions and the ladies from CAIR became very nervous with waving arms and anxious twitchings and explained that we would have to go to the next question.
The first person from the audience who stood up to the microphone - I just have to comment on him. I have never, EVER in my life seen such a display of bootlicking, ass-kissing and groveling admiration. I almost vomited. I almost laughed out loud at him. What a yo-yo. Honey -- a piece of advice. It doesn't matter how much you kiss their asses, they will still kill you. Witness Europe - the countries who kissed the most Islamic ass are having the biggest problems with their Muslim populations.
On to our woman, Jen. Jen - you sounded good at the microphone and it's a shame that the Muslims did not want to hear a word that you said. You asked valid questions - one of which was 'How do you expect us to embrace Islam when all we see is the violence perpetrated by Muslims? The violence does not serve your cause well.' No answer. Nope. In fact - they hated the question SO much that our esteemed Professor Blankinship was stabbing that finger of his in the air toward you and started yelling about the Danes being Nazis. You asked about Muslims who contend that they cannot take a Christian or a Jew as a friend. The great Imam stated that he encourages the Muslim communities to set up their own services and governments within the wider American community. Enter Ms. Memon to soften the blow. She used the examples of Christians and Jews setting up support systems. She also said that there are different interpretations of the text about Christian and Jewish friends in the Koran and that when read one way - it means one thing, another way it means another. You tried to make your point and ask your questions but you were shouted down. The ladies from CAIR once again started with the arm waving and beseeching everyone to be calm - and insisting that it was time to go to the next question.
They did not want to 'dialogue'.
Another one of ours was at the end of the line with some literature. The ladies from CAIR decided that the question time would have to be cut off before he could get to the microphone. The told him to sit down.
Did you know that minorities have no voice in Western Societies? Well - our panel believes that.
Did you know that peaceful protests do not work and that is why violence MUST be resorted to? Hmm. Our prolifically breeding robed one believes this.
Did you know that there is a conspiracy by the Rand Corporation and the Media against Muslims? Talk to the Professor about that one.
Did you know that we are 'insensitive, insulting AND blasphemous'? Mr. Imam? Sir? Islam is not my religion so do not try to apply your interpretation of blasphemy to me.
Did you know that free speech does not give us the right to 'defame' their Prophet? You must think that you are in another country.
Did you know that Massachusetts has a blasphemy law? It is being held up by these Muslims to justify killing anyone who says anything bad about Islam.
Did you know about all of those thousands of Iraqi children that died because of the sanctions? It was quite a moment to see the looks on their faces when several in our group and I said quite loudly that it was Saddam Hussein who killed those children. They were shocked to hear it. Have they never heard ANYONE speak back to them? I am feeling like they are provoking me. They are!
This is going to get very ugly. I have seen the face of the enemy and they are right here amongst us.
God Bless America - God Save the Republic.