Is better than a good day in public school.
It's probably true - but after today I wonder. We had a BAD day schooling today. They don't come around often but when they do they leave us all exhausted. Spent. Disheartened. Wondering why we do this.
Okay - it's probably only ME that feels that way. The kids are amazingly resilient - and are on to the next activity with nary a look back. Paddy walks in after it's all done to see the after-effects in me.
It started out fine - in that the sun was out today for the first time in what feels like weeks - and there was no rain coming out of the sky! There was no blast of a northerly wind when opening the front door! We got some fresh air, took a walk, visited with a neighbor who was also out, said hello at the neighborhood store, and then it happened - school started.
It took nearly 3 (that's THREE) HOURS for the 9 y/old to complete her essay on the Declaration of Independence. It wasn't a long essay - can I share that with you? It was, let's see - - - 1,2,3,4.....9 - yes. That's 9 (as in NINE) SENTENCES.
I was ready to throw in the towel. The Kindergartner completed her Math, Phonics, History AND Spanish. Admittedly there isn't much to Kindergarten Math, Phonics, History and Spanish - but then the Kindergartner got to help with the 'Cowboy Cookies' and still the older one was dawdling over her writing. I figured the cookie thing might light a fire under her ass. Nope.
Some days I wonder what I am doing wrong. The older one loves to dawdle. The little one thinks it's funny to give the wrong answer - and I know when she's deliberately doing it, too! She gets this evil grin on her face when she does it. So funny to screw with Mummy's mind....
Well - we'll have at it again tomorrow. The 9 y/old has NEVER liked writing. It's too bad too - because this year involves a hell of a lot of it for her.
On the bright side - she flew through geography, long division and then Spanish. And I can see so much progress in the little one with her phonics - she is putting letters and sounds together and figuring it all out where at the beginning of the year it was all Greek to her.
It IS fun to watch them as they get a grasp on new things. Tomorrow we'll be delivering the cookies to another homeschooling friend and I'm hoping the sun will be out again.
I'm just feeling so much better now - thank you for listening!