Sprittibee, an upstanding and exceedingly capable homeschool mom, has tagged me. My apologies for the delay in answering - as you can see I had been terribly busy trying to figure out where I should be pegged on the political spectrum. Now that THAT has been taken care of - here are my answers.
Things I want to do before I die:1. Learn a few languages - and ensure that my kids learn a few, too
2. Travel to many far away places - and take the kids
3. Sculpt
4. Get out of debt
5. See my girlies grow up strong and good
6. Hold my grandchildren
7. Do mushrooms just ONCE after the girls are grown - I never did them (but I'd probably have a heart attack)
Things I can do:1. Drive a manual transmission car
2. Vote
3. Mouth off
4. Get more edumacation
5. Bake
6. Treat a sucking chest wound
7. Make a poultice
Things I cannot do:1. Tan
2. Cut people's hair
3. Fly a plane
4. Reach the top shelf at the supermarket without climbing up the lower shelves
5. Drive a semi
6. Cook a steak properly
7. Run very far - my knees hurt :-(
Things that attract me to my husband:1. His hands
2. His dimples
3. How good he is to the girlies
4. His ridiculous sense of humor
5. His intelligence
6. His compassion
7. His moustache
Celebrity crushes I’ve had in the past:1. Beau Bridges (when I was 13)
2. No data
3. No data
4. No data
5. No data
6. No data
7. No data ( I wasn't a big celebrity crush type of person)
I invite you to share your answers in the comments section.