Barack the Plumber

'Joe the Plumber' is a phrase that is on everyone's lips these days. Well - everyone who follows politics anyway. This cartoon is courtesy of Get Liberty. Get Liberty is Americans for Limited Government, aka: ALG.
As far as I can tell from a google search, ALG is a Libertarian think tank that seems to be reviled by the left. Hey! That must mean that they are effective in promoting freedom from socialism here in the USA.
What Barack Obama said to Joe the Plumber is very revealing. Barack Hussein Obama is not committed to defending the Constitution of the United States of America. Whether McCain is your favorite guy or not, he is head and shoulders above BHO.
I have not been blogging for awhile. More huge changes here. I will blog about that in the next few days.
Viva McCain/Palin!
Cute! Check this out.
Very funny, JC. I hadn't seen this video and I have to say that Obama looked like he had a bit of a forced grin there for a couple of minutes. McCain did good - loved the Keith Olbermann thing!
this guy since asking the question has had his life destroyed...
Viva Obama
I have to say Jeff and I both watched some of this debate and both of us realized that they both had gone around eachothers questions on certain things...
I have been feeling a bit disheartened by everything that I see in the press. It feels awfully familiar, though. Bush v Kerry was very similar leading up to the election - don't know about the polls. Although I clearly remember the media reporting that the exit polls showed Kerry as the winner. We know how that turned out...
We need to get out there and vote!
Of course the problem with this is no one in this campaign is advocating taxation of the american worker, especially not plumbers and especially not you.
That being said, read my lips, McCain will raise your taxes. How else is he going to pay for corporate welfare, farm subsidies, big oil subsidies, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, etc. What, by cutting the 1.5% of the budget that is "pork"? Ha
When Obama says he will not raise my taxes because I don't make enough, to put it simply, he is lying through his teeth. Anyone who believes him is a fool.
I think you are confusing McCain for Obama. It is Obama who is being deceptive.
Btw, how is Obama going to afford his spending proposals?
That cartoon is so on point, funny and sad at the same time, hopefully middle-class America wakes up to the facts on BO come Nov. 4.
Toady, you're not even making sense, and I'd like to know where you're getting your information.
Anything to say about Obama's proposed spending?
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