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Grizzly Mama

There's a Grizzly who has escaped the City of Brotherly Love..(and she's going back to homeschooling!!)

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Location: Out of Philly, Pennsylvania, United States

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." Aristotle - Greek Philosopher.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Will Miss Homeschooling

We are now preparing to start traditional school. Uniforms must be bought, backpacks, school supplies. School bus schedules obtained, proper notebooks, the summer literature project for the soon to be 7th grader. Review of math facts for the soon to be 3rd grader. New haircuts and only one set of earrings allowed for each.

I will miss homeschooling my girls. I will just plain miss my girls. Home education has been a very rewarding, and mostly very enjoyable experience for us. The girls have blossomed in every way over the past 7 years. Socially, physically and mentally. It has been a joy to be such a huge part of that. What a privilege to know intimately their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

I want their experience in school to be a good one, however I would also like it to be a brief one. No matter how great the curriculum and the teachers and the school, they can never get as much there as they can get working with their mom and dad - one on one. The freedom to explore their unique interests is limited in a traditional school environment. The material offered is not as rich as what can be had with the K12 curriculum that we love so much. The opportunities to interact in their community is also limited with traditional schooling.

Why the hell are we doing this, again? They want, and I believe need, the experience. There have been many times in my life that being told something is so cannot substitute for knowing by experience that something is so. They are pining to go to school - so we found the least abhorrent school that exists in my part of the world. It is a nice little school.

Wish us luck, and perhaps after a year (maybe two..), we will be back at it again.


Blogger NotClauswitz said...

Best of luck to the girls, and to you too!

24 July, 2008 12:18  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Thanks, DC!

24 July, 2008 17:18  
Blogger tshsmom said...

That's the hardest part of parenting-letting the kids make their own decisions to "test their wings".

24 July, 2008 18:33  
Blogger Mike's America said...

Here's your Wordle:


The top 100 words on Grizzly Mama!

24 July, 2008 19:03  
Blogger Abouna said...

I shall pray for the girls and you, and I hope all works out.

God Bless.

24 July, 2008 23:10  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

After a few weeks of regular school they may realize how hard this is compared to homeschooling. I asked Kora just last night if she was ready for us to home school her again and she got all excited. Good luck little cubs and mama Grizzly.

25 July, 2008 12:41  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Tshsmom - I struggled with this one - but I do like the school. My main concern is that they just aren't going to get as rich of an education experience there.

THANK YOU MIKE!! I love my wordle! lol. I will have to put it in a post.

Abouna - prayer always helps, thanks so much.

Hi Tweetey. I think that they will probably be bored half to death at school. I am so glad to hear about your daughter's excitement. Kids WANT to learn, they are built to soak it all up and rise to the challenges that are presented. Atleast until it's drained out of them by regular schooling...

25 July, 2008 18:13  
Blogger Mr. Grey Ghost said...

They'll be fine, you guys prepared them well.

30 July, 2008 18:32  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Thanks, Mr. GG. Their handwriting is atrocious! lol.

30 July, 2008 20:23  

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