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Grizzly Mama

There's a Grizzly who has escaped the City of Brotherly Love..(and she's going back to homeschooling!!)

My Photo
Location: Out of Philly, Pennsylvania, United States

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." Aristotle - Greek Philosopher.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Changes

Old Grizzly Mama got the job. Here's hoping that it will work out. I'll be working the graveyard shift. I just have to pass the drug test this week and formally accept the position. We get the information to enroll the girls in school starting in the fall.

Big Changes. I'm scared!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Squalls

We just love snow. Even shoveling is fun. We have endured several days and nights of that wind just whistling through the house, banging the shutters and rattling the windows. Hours and hours and days and days of it. I can empathize with the character Lillian Gish plays in The Wind.

Okay - so Troll wins. When we buy, we will be surrounded by woods - - atleast on the North and West sides of the property!

Typical Lancaster County landscape:

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"Remember That You Are Dust,

and to dust you shall return."

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for Roman Catholics. The ashes signify that we are of the earth, and our physical bodies are mortal. They signify humble acceptance of our imperfection. They are a symbol of our wish to be reconciled with God. They are a symbol of our belonging to a community. A reminder that we need to turn away from earthly concerns and turn toward God and contemplate for a moment the importance of larger things. Eternity: 'as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be'.

Lent is a time of giving alms, praying and fasting. It is not a time to call attention to our giving, nor is it a time to eat less in order to lose weight. Sacrifice is a way of acknowledging and honoring the gift given and the pain borne to give it.

May you have a blessed Lenten season.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Grizzly Mama's Goin' In

Got the 2nd interview for that job. New pair of fat-pants to wear with some little heels. We also have an appointment next week with the school for the girls. We'll get a tour and all of the paperwork. Then the girls will have to be assessed. They'll be starting in September and I will be working full time.

I have so many mixed feelings about this. I like the school - it's just going to be so different for us. I wonder if I'm giving the little one the short end of the stick putting her into school so young. They both want to go. Whenever they want, they can come back home to school.

PRIMARY NEWS. Holy Crapamoly. What are we to do? I sure hope that Romney sticks it out and gives as much heartburn to McCain as possible. I'm shocked at how well Huckabee is doing. Can you believe that McCain - giving his delegates to Huckabee so that Romney wouldn't win that state? Nasty. I'm just sick of politics tonight. We are mowing through schoolwork like maniacs. Gotta make hay while the sun shines, but it leaves us all exhausted.

I'll be up late checking on California, though.

God Bless America!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Clinton and Your Wages, Romney In the Polls

Clinton: “I think there are a number of mechanisms” that are possible, including "going after people’s wages, automatic enrollment." But don't worry - she will only go after "workers who can afford health coverage but refuse to buy it..."

Here's the story on Clintons latest on healthcare.

Remember Hillary's failed 'Health Security Express' bus tour of 1994? Well - that old bus is being fired up and readied to crash our economy if the Hildebeast wins the White House. Want universal health care like Canada and the UK have?? You need to look into it, because both systems are horrid, expensive failures. We don't want it.

As for poor Mitt - well - we're behind you, buddy. You had better get up there and get nasty because McCain would be little better than the Hildebeast. You're neck and neck in many polls. Surging ahead in California. Yikes. This is going to be a nail biter. Good man in Maine! You kicked ass there, boy. Don't give up just yet. Huckabee sucks in the polls - which is right where he should be.

As for the Super Bowl - I'm rooting for the Patriots in honor of the Maine caucus goers - where Mitt Romney came out on top. GO PATRIOTS!!!!


WOW! Stunner! Giants beat the Pats. Good game, and congratulations to the Giants!