We are going to inquire about the possibility after the holidays. There is a small Catholic school in our area. I like it. I need to check the curriculum they use and see if we can afford it.
I have mixed feelings about this. I like the school - a lot. I always told them that doing school at home is something we take on a year to year basis. I always told them that their desires would be taken into account. Up to a point, anyway. For instance, back in the old neighborhood going to the local public school was out of the question. Really, going to any public school is out of the question. From the beginning Catholic school was a no-go for me. We are Catholic and we are raising our daughters as Catholics, however I do not have good experiences to draw on in regard to Catholic schools. This parish, though, is a really dynamic parish. It is very spiritual which I am not used to, having gone to Catholic Mass my entire life and never having had much of a spiritual experience there. I mostly looked at as a discipline type of thing, rigid not fluid. Rules, regulations, memorizing the prayer was more important than simply praying to God. I do like the traditions: incense, holy water, order of Mass. I don't know, maybe I can appreciate the spirituality of the thing now and I was just unable to as a kid and young adult.
The younger has come such a long way. She was born scared of her shadow. She is ready and will handle it beautifully. The older was born ready to jump into any new experience and I know that she will thrive.
The most difficult things for them will be: not being able to go to the bathroom whenever they want, eating within a tight schedule, and waking up early in the a.m.
I will miss teaching them, and learning right along beside them. It is work, however I never anticipated the blessings it would bring. You get a whole new appreciation for your kid, their strengths and weaknesses, when you teach them yourself. I will miss spending time with them. Sure, there are times when I just need to be alone. I need to go somewhere by myself. Those times don't come along very often. Less often than you would expect.
So. Monumental decision for us. What are your thoughts? Have your children ever expressed interest in going to traditional school? Have you tried it for a year or two?