**UPDATE**Thanks to
Mike, you may now click on the title to listen to the audio of the show. If you fast forward it to about 11:30 then will be the broadcast from The Constitution Center.
We had a grand time at The Constitution Center last night. If you EVER visit Philly, make sure that you include The Constitution Center on the itinerary. You won't regret it - at ALL. You will walk away with a new appreciation for our founding fathers and the vision that they shared for our country.
We were late and very worried about that. No problemo! Hugh Hewitt hadn't arrived yet either, due to weather problems which delayed his flight. We were so engrossed in talking to people and catching up with Skye that I have no idea what time Mr. Hewitt arrived, but when he did he talked with the audience for quite awhile. The live on-air thing wasn't going to start until 8:00 p.m. due to the flight delays and I suppose the contingency plans that had already been implemented. He wanted to talk about the upcoming election and was interested in where we stood with the candidates thus far. It is Hugh's belief that we will end up choosing between Romney and Giuliani. I still think it's a bit early to tell - although he's certainly mulled this over more than I. He does not believe that Gingrich will enter the race. (Troll became crestfallen at this news...) Fred Thompson is a factor that is unknowable at this point.
He also shared about a meeting he and other conservative talk radio hosts had recently had with President Bush. All present urged Bush to get out there and communicate more effectively about Iraq. The effectiveness of the surge, and the fact that victory is imperative in Iraq must be disseminated to the American public. One of the bloggers present, Bill T, will be blogging surge news and I think that I might like to do something like that too. Maybe once a week - as this damnable dusting is really eating into actually living a life or thinking about anything..
There was a rousing question and answer session and a picture taking session. Tons of fun!
When on air, we heard from former US House District 8 Representaive Michael Fitzpatrick. He talked about the need to get the conservative base mobilised and the unique problems that we face in the Philadelphia area. Exceedingly Democrat in Philly. In fact, most of PA is RED - with Philly and Pittsburgh as big blue blotches on either edge. Anyway, the results were unbelievably close when Fitzpatrick lost the last election. Here is a
link that shows the 50/50 split between these candidates. Scroll down for District 8.
Colin Hanna, from
Let Freedom Ring, was the next guest and he spoke about their project called
Their Own Words. He spoke about the islamist menace in America - not just in America though, worldwide. He would like to educate the people who believe that if we just love and try to understand the terrorists enough, they will reciprocate with love and understanding. This is not true. Their Own Words uses just that: the radical imams own words to show that this is a very naive way to deal with terrorist killers who believe that they have a mandate from their god to kill non-believers. He uses
MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) translations to drive this point home.
Without further ado - here are my pictures. Enjoy!
Hugh Hewitt at work in The City of Brotherly Love:
Independence Hall looking particularly lovely:
Mr. Hugh Hewitt was kind enough to consent to some pictures. Here he is with a group of conservative Philadelphia area bloggers:
If you look closely, you will see Dr. Bucolo of Total1 Internet Solutions (sorry Doc - website not found!),
FourInchHeels - contributer to the BillT blog,
Skye, who we all know and admire, next to Skye, my love -
The City Troll,
Hugh Hewitt himself, Moi - the incredibly vertically challenged Grizzly Mama, and
Bill T. We also met
Mr. Chaitt (not in photo) who does not have a blog but is very personable and took many photos. He joined us afterward at a wonderful little eatery, and treated Troll to a cigar, which Troll enjoyed very much!
The timelessly beautiful, always intelligent, and ever insightful conservative bloggers: Skye, Jennifer Gallagher and Grizzly Mama:
And here is a picture that has nothing to do with the current Grizzly Report:
It is a taste of the area around which we are searching for a new house. Doesn't it sort of remind you of broccoli at sunset?
We had a great time! Thanks to everyone!