She's not a baby anymore, though. The big '09'. She's perfect. She's beautiful. She deserves all the best life has to offer. I thought I'd regale you with her birth story.
Lots of problems with this pregnancy too. Gestational Diabetes but controlled easily with diet. The problems didn't crop up until the end. Pre-term labor at 32 weeks which was stopped with some asthma medication. As soon as I was taken off of the medication at 36 weeks - PROM. Premature Rupture of the Membrane. So - my water broke but no labor started. Blood pressure starting to look worrisome. Into the hospital they sent me. I felt safe and thought, 'Thank goodness I'm in the hospital.' I had been seeing midwives and was determined to have a natural childbirth at a hospital that had Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum rooms - everything all in one cosily decorated room. Plus they had jacuzzis used for pain control while in labor. My membranes ruptured before we could finish our classes - so we did the best we could when the time came.
The next day still no labor so Pitocin was started. I was hooked up and a monitor put on and confined to the bed. No jacuzzi. :-( NO JACUZZI! *sob*
After 12 hours and no progress it was off the pitocin and onto something that would knock me out for the night - then back on the pitocin in the a.m. Nothing. So they ruptured the membrane again after about 4 hours - and BAM! Hard labor. Fully dilated from almost nothing in about 4 more hours. I was good for about 1 of those hours. Well - not good but hanging in there. Well - not really hanging in there but - well - I didn't do well at all. You just cannot believe that frigging pain! It consumes you! I was having these horrifying labor pains with about 10 seconds between each one! I couldn't catch a break. After that hour I was begging for something and said the 'F' word to my sweet and most favorite midwife. She was so good to me though and then the angel came from anesthesia and took all that nasty pain away with the beautiful epidural.
After - oh - what are we up to? 3 or so hours - they checked me and got the shock of their life to realize that I was ready to push. They had estimated about a 6 1/2 lb. baby. Epidural off and commence pushing. For FOUR HOURS I pushed and pushed. The epidural was worn off - my baby was stuck. Reluctantly the OB was called and she grabbed that baby's head and twisted and turned and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Couldn't get her out. Emergency C-Section time.
Epidural back on and into the O.R. we traipse. Unbeknownst to me the OB had informed my husband that our baby would have a head shaped like a banana. Swear to God. A jovial atmosphere in the O.R. and then the doc couldn't get her out of my belly - her head was stuck in my pelvis. Poor baby. The midwife had to push up on her head from my nether regions - I heard a huge POP and then screaming! They held her up and she looked right into my eyes with those beautiful eyes of hers. Her little legs, arms, fingers and toes fully extended and screaming at me.
Her head was just as round as can be. She was perfect! Five and one half pounds. 19 inches long. Long and skinny and she is STILL long and skinny.
It was after the birth that the REAL problems cropped up. Birthing is still a dangerous thing to many women and it's hard on our bodies in many ways. We both would have been dead 100 years ago. Thank God we are alive and healthy.
I noticed that even with all of the IV fluids they kept giving me I wasn't going potty. My BP was up. I was huge. HUGE! I've never seen my legs look SO FAT AND HUGE! The doc came in and told me I had to leave. She was born at 11:30 p.m. and that counted as one night. I spent one more night and then was out of there. I told him I felt awful and wasn't pee-ing! He basically told me tough shit. The night nurse was very concerned and arranged for a home visit the next morning. That night at home was horrible. My heart was beating real slow and felt like it was flopping around in my chest. I was scared. In the early a.m. I awoke with a splitting headache that was only relieved by standing up. The visiting nurse called and, when she heard what was happening, told me to go to the hospital immediately. My husband took us and I was admitted. Blood pressure 195/125. Kidneys shut down. The skin on the top of my feet was splitting and bleeding.
I ended up on magnesium sulfate in the hospital for 5 more days. They were letting me drink fluids but no food. They allowed the baby to stay with me and I nursed her and took care of her through my mag. fog. My kidneys kicked in. Once that happened the nurse that was sitting in my room with me 24/7 was released and this sweet male nurse in training was charged with emptying my catheter bag and was amazed at how much fluid was coming out of me. He would sit with me and hold the baby for hours and comment how perfect she was. He loved to hold her. He was a sweetheart. When I recovered my senses I insisted that the doctor who released me after the birth was never to touch me, my file or my baby. They would have to get another doctor to deal with me. They did and he was a nice guy.
God bless you my big birthday girl! Every minute was worth it. I'm so glad we came through healthy and happy!