Amanda has a question.
It is about people suffering with infertility. Longing for a baby and never having that need fulfilled. The question asks, 'Why won't more young women give their babies away, rather than killing them?'
I wonder this same thing. We have suffered through infertility and were blessed with a baby after much anxiety, years of heartbreak, dollars spent, testing endured and anger. (Although our baby then screamed for 6 months after she was born - colic. She's a lovely girl now :-)) I'm sure we all know someone, or know OF someone, bearing the burden of infertility. I know several and ALL would be worthy parents. Most are on adoption waiting lists. I don't understand why life works the way it does. Why are the babies given so easily to those who don't want them - or don't deserve them?
One possible answer to Amanda's question is that adoption is not being presented as a viable alternative. Abortion is easy, there are no consequences, it's not a baby. Most women in the predicament swallow that hook, line and sinker. It's not until afterward that they realize it's not so easy. There are consequences, feelings, regrets, sorrow. Their baby is dead and will never be forgotten. Years are marked. Thoughts are baby would be 5, 20, 35.
It's a shame that there isn't any emphasis put on alternatives to abortion at Planned Parenthood clinics across the nation. Adoption would be a very difficult choice, yes. Sometimes the difficult choices are the best ones.