Holocaust Shooter Neither a Conservative Nor a Christian
As an interesting follow-up to the small post I made at A Tangled Web a few days ago, suggesting that Von Brunn may not be a right wing conservative, I present this information:
An article on FrontPageMag.com and found at Mike's America shows that Von Brunn is neither a conservative, nor a Christian.
From the article:
A review of his lengthy associations reveals Von Brunn hardly fits the stereotype of a Religious Right, GOP precinct captain. He denounced the Christian faith as a dastardly Jewish conspiracy, a “HOAX” invented by the Apostle Paul to “DESTROY ROMAN CULTURE” from within by undermining its pagan virility. (All screaming capitalization and grammatical errors in this piece appear in the original.) Like others on the racist fringe, the shooter proclaimed clearly: “SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West.”
It appears that we can't trust most of our MSM journalists to think that the shooter's own words bear repeating in their coverage of this horrific crime.
Just as we can't trust them to report that the man who murdered Private Long in Arkansas was a moslem convert.
They also didn't get the memo that joking about raping young girls isn't supposed to be funny anymore - atleast for several decades now. I'm sure that NOW (National Organization of Women) will stand up for this cause. Well - maybe not. Maybe it's only funny if you're joking about conservative daughters being raped?
Cross posted at A Tangled Web.
An article on FrontPageMag.com and found at Mike's America shows that Von Brunn is neither a conservative, nor a Christian.
From the article:
A review of his lengthy associations reveals Von Brunn hardly fits the stereotype of a Religious Right, GOP precinct captain. He denounced the Christian faith as a dastardly Jewish conspiracy, a “HOAX” invented by the Apostle Paul to “DESTROY ROMAN CULTURE” from within by undermining its pagan virility. (All screaming capitalization and grammatical errors in this piece appear in the original.) Like others on the racist fringe, the shooter proclaimed clearly: “SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West.”
It appears that we can't trust most of our MSM journalists to think that the shooter's own words bear repeating in their coverage of this horrific crime.
Just as we can't trust them to report that the man who murdered Private Long in Arkansas was a moslem convert.
They also didn't get the memo that joking about raping young girls isn't supposed to be funny anymore - atleast for several decades now. I'm sure that NOW (National Organization of Women) will stand up for this cause. Well - maybe not. Maybe it's only funny if you're joking about conservative daughters being raped?
Cross posted at A Tangled Web.