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Grizzly Mama

There's a Grizzly who has escaped the City of Brotherly Love..(and she's going back to homeschooling!!)

My Photo
Location: Out of Philly, Pennsylvania, United States

"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." Aristotle - Greek Philosopher.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Some links.

I refer you to A Tangled Web for information, reactions and updates to the most recent bombing attempt in London.

As per Iraq the Model there is a petition that I (and many others) signed to show our unity against terror. Although I am not Muslim it seems that many Muslims who have signed the petition are uniting against Islamist terror. That's a good thing.

The Institute for Justice has filed a petition with the Supreme Court asking for a re-hearing on the infamous Kelo v. City of New London ruling.

An update on Katie, who was removed from her home by the state because her parents didn't agree with the medical treatment that her doctors outlined, is at this link. Pray for Katie and her family. God save the Republic.

The plan to go forward with taking Judge Souter's home and build the Liberty Hotel using the new shiny, eminent domain power granted by the Supreme Court is proceeding apace. They are seeking a volunteers and donations here. Updates are posted at this link as well.

Recently on another blog a person who I disagreed with urged the readers of that blog to contact the State of Pennsylvania and report me for homeschooling my children. This person left a link to the Philadephia School Board. This person suggested that our children were in danger because (apparently) our political views differed from hers. I offer a link to the homeschooling law in Pennsylvania just so's we all understand that homeschooling is LEGAL! Hoo-haw.

Homeschooling is Legal!


Blogger Steve Donohue said...

What a miserable little worm...good for you.

21 July, 2005 13:18  
Blogger Gina said...

where has she been ? okay might just live in a closet ... wish I could do it , but I am a single momm and I have to work ..

21 July, 2005 14:39  
Blogger tshsmom said...

Some people are sooooo IGNORANT!! It's obvious why this person doesn't homeschool, they're too DUMB!!

21 July, 2005 17:48  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Agreed with you all and I have to say that it is SUCH a typical leftist reaction when confronted with someone who disagrees - wouldn't you say?

The left, the liberals - the open tent - my ASS! They just can't deal with anyone unless they are lock-step.

22 July, 2005 00:39  
Blogger United We Lay said...

Okay, Grizly, I understand you're upset, but I disagree with your comment about the left, and everypne else's comments about liberals. I'm VERY liberal and I have no problem with you disagreeeing with me for any reason. I like to discuss things with you, and I learn things from you from time to time. I would never do something like what that women did to you, and I instantly thought of ways I could help you if something came of it. My husband and I are good people. We may not agree with you on every point, but we believe that you have the tight to live your life as you choose just as we expect you to allow us to live in peace. That was a bad woman. She is not indicitive of all liberals. And I could give you several cases in which people have called Social Services because they believed someone was raising thier children too liberally. We need to stop fighting each other so much and see how similiar we really are. Most of us just want to live our lives in a way we can be proud of. Nothing is wrong with that no matter what your politics or religion.

22 July, 2005 12:16  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

I appreciate that Polanco and it is one reason why I like your comments and am glad that you visit. One of my neighbors is a lefty and although our debates become heated at times, we would help each other no matter what the situation or always brew up a cup of coffee to enjoy together.

To threaten and induce others to sic the State on a family because we made mincemeat out of her arguments is just sick. This person knows nothing of our home life - only that we homeschool and disagree with her political views. There is no abuse, no neglect. Just a difference of opinion on political matters.

It may not be typical behavior for you (thank goodness) but it is typical behavior of the far left to attempt to shut down dissent from their position on a political matter. It is ironic to me that the movement that started out as going against 'the establishment' is so quick to wield 'establishment' power over another in a bid to control thought and behavior.

22 July, 2005 13:08  
Blogger City Troll said...


Most people on both sides are reasonable but all too often I find this old addage to be true.

A liberal will try to persicute or prosicute you for believing differently then them

A conservitive will fight to the death to allow you to believe whatever you choose even when they dissagree with you

22 July, 2005 13:32  
Blogger Laura said...

How dare that woman do that to you. You need to tell her, in no uncertain terms, to get a f%cking life.
What a twat!!

P.S. I happily signed the Declaration.

22 July, 2005 14:44  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Thank you Alice. That's the second time I've seen someone who resides in Britain calling someone else a 'twat'. I love it.

Thanks for signing the Declaration Against Terrorism.

23 July, 2005 01:15  
Blogger Laura said...

Yes, I am discovering new four-letter words to replace our common day-to-day American ones. However, unlike Madonna [I've noticed she's starting to mimic the uppercrust dialect of the Queen's English, which I think is rather a hoot], no matter how long I live in England, Krip says I will never lose that Southern twang of mine.

23 July, 2005 14:35  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

That cracks me up about Madonna. Can't stand that chick. What's worse is that she and I had our babies at almost exactly the same time - BOTH of 'em. Yuck.

Anyway I noticed that Gerri(sp?) Hall - y'know - Mick Jaggers ex wife? Well - one minute she had her Texas drawl and the next she's on David Letterman speaking with a frigging English accent! LOL!

As a native of Denver my accent is still with me. Although a bit of a Philly-style accent creeps in after 17 years here. People from Philly know I'm not from here and people from Denver know somethin' jus aint right about the way I talk...

24 July, 2005 00:51  
Blogger United We Lay said...

I think the right more often uses the tactic of calling in the authorities when they don't agree than the left does, but we're all a little biased in this regard. Both sides do it. It's worng when anyone does it. End of story. I agree that liberals tend to be cynical and abrasive, but what would you expect from someone who is fighting daily for their right to just live? There are some who are assholes, but there are enough people on the right to counter them, trust me.

"A conservitive will fight to the death to allow you to believe whatever you choose even when they dissagree with you." My experience with conservatives is obviously much different than yours, probably because I'm liberal and you're not. My job has been threatened, people have threantened to take my kids away (not knowing I didn't have any), and my husband and I encounter racism everywhere we do. Not only that, enough conservatives have told me I'm going to hell because I don't believe in Jesus to disprove your statement outright. Conservatives disagree with gay marriage and they aren't letting people do what they choose. They're trying with all their might to legislate against it. Conservatives don't agree with abortion, and they don't want to let people choose. They're trying to legislate against that, as well. Conservatives don't agree with teaching evolution in schools, and they're tyring to legislate against that. In my experience, conservatives do not subscribe to the "live and let live" theory of life that this country is based on. But again, that's MY experience.

A twat and a cunt are the same thing. Both are offensive.

24 July, 2005 10:58  
Blogger Laura said...

I find it remarkable that at the end of your dissertation, you noted that the word twat was offensive.

I am fully aware of what the meaning of twat is. However, in keeping with the liberal idea of 'live and let live,' I am going to continue to use the word twat as often as I want. Like the word twat I find abortion offensive; not the word, just the deed.

So, hmmm, I tell you what,p.c., I'll stop using twat because it is so offensive, when someone who is "Pro-Choice" calls themselves exactly what she/he is, which is "Pro-Abortion."
Let's all be un-p.c. and call a spade a spade, shall we?

24 July, 2005 11:22  
Blogger United We Lay said...

Commenting that I find a word offensive and disallowing you to use it in any situation are two entirely different things. Use any word you want.

I am not pro-abortion. I would rather people not have them for certian reasons. I also believe that women should be allowed to choose to have an abortion if they've been raped or in other extenuating circumstances. I know you don't agree with me and I know I'm not going to change your mind. It's probably better hat you and I not discuss this subject because neither of us is going to budge. I respect your right to disagree and I will not attempt to change your mind. I will tell you what I believe and why I believe it if you ask me how I feel about any given topic.

I said people have told me I'm going to hell, not that I believe it'll happen. I don't wish for your death, just your ulimate enlightenment. (The same thing I wish for anyone I encounter, not just because I think you'll agree with me once you're enlightened) In other words, that was meant to be nice, not sarcastic, and not a dig. I wish you happiness.

People (not all liberals) are trying to keep gay marriage from legislation. Unfortunately, sometimes fire must be fought wih fire and gay people need laws behind them to grant them he same civil liberties everyone else enjoys. The same goes for abortion. Legislating to protect an action and legislating to take it away are two entirely different things.

Religion should be taught in public schools, and most liberals agree. They just don't believe that only ONE religion should be taught in public schools. You are right, ID should be taught in a philosophy class, along with discussion on Islam, Judism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other world religions. They should not be taught one religon, and that is fair and proper, as it is a public school and not all students attending the school believe in the same religion.

24 July, 2005 19:06  
Blogger City Troll said...


I am going to reprint some of your statement so I can respond to it.

""A conservitive will fight to the death to allow you to believe whatever you choose even when they dissagree with you." My experience with conservatives is obviously much different than yours, probably because I'm liberal and you're not. My job has been threatened, people have threantened to take my kids away (not knowing I didn't have any), and my husband and I encounter racism everywhere we do. Not only that, enough conservatives have told me I'm going to hell because I don't believe in Jesus to disprove your statement outright. Conservatives disagree with gay marriage and they aren't letting people do what they choose. They're trying with all their might to legislate against it. Conservatives don't agree with abortion, and they don't want to let people choose. They're trying to legislate against that, as well. Conservatives don't agree with teaching evolution in schools, and they're tyring to legislate against that. In my experience, conservatives do not subscribe to the "live and let live" theory of life that this country is based on. But again, that's MY experience."

I am not a racist and most of the conservitives I know aren't. That may be because I grew up in the Philadelphia area and have always been around a racially mixed group. The people in my life that I have found to be the most racist are the Blacks in this area and they vote democrat and call themselves liberal.

I have never judged anyone that they are going to hell for what they believe. Only God can judge someones life and I am not God.

I totally disagree with gay marriage because they want to call it MARRIAGE. A marriage is a religous title to a union. Civil Unions I am all for, the gay community was making great progress in having the general populace except Civil Unions it was not untill they insisted that it be called mariage that legislation was introduced and supported by the mass public.

As for Abortion I am pro-choice I personally choose life, but then again I am not a woman. I also believe that no matter who sits on the supreme court that you will never ever see an end to abortion. I do think abortion is to easy to get. I also think that 90% of nonwanted pregnancy can be prevented before the girl gets pregnant. To many times abortion is being used as a contraceptive.

Evolution is a theory an unproven theory. Creationism is a theory an unproven theory why should one carry more weight than the other? In a school system that can't teach children to read or write I think its an issue that is just silly.

You seem to be mixing up conservatives with religious fanatics. They are not the same thing just like the loons on the left aren't the true heart of the liberal party.

I am sorry if you have met a majority of wrong people in your life but the people you have met that called themselves conservativs were not just like all those blame the whites for everything blackliberals that I have met were not really liberal.

24 July, 2005 21:09  
Blogger Abe said...

I'll give you credit for self-identifying as a liberal here at Monica's place and making your arguments with civility.

"legislating against" things:
As Skye said, modern liberalism has all but abandonned legislative approaches for controversial issues. It greatly prefers use of the courts to "enact legislation" on these political issues. This is fundamentally undemocratic. Politicizing court decisions undermines the independence of and respect for the judiciary.

In each of the cases you cited liberalism is trying to use the courts to impose its will on the public (or has succeeded in doing so). In response, opponents are fighting back democratically. Surely you can't blame them for that?

24 July, 2005 22:04  
Blogger City Troll said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

24 July, 2005 22:47  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Polanco - believe it or not I have been subjected to racism as well as sexism and I am a horrible conservative! We all have our cross to bear and none of us gets away clean in life. To say that only conservatives are racist is wrong. It's simply not true. In fact - the left in country is promoting affirmative action which is a very racist program and a program that actually hurts the people that it's supposed to help. (along with everyone else...) MLK is rolling over in his grave at what the left has done to his civil rights movement. As for gays - huh. Activist gays have HIJACKED the civil rights movement - hijacked it and it's a disgrace. The civil rights movement which is an honorable movement that at one time had meaning is now being used by gays so that they can be called 'married'. Bullshit. As Troll pointed out gays were making great headway in procuring legal benefits of marriage through civil unions and face the truth that is what gays wanted all along - some of the legal benefits of marriage.

As far as abortion goes. Here it is for me. I see the reality of abortion BUT I am highly PISSED OFF that the pro-abortion movement has packaged abortion as the BEST, EASIEST option that has NO DRAWBACKS. That is another lie foisted upon us by the left. It's just a bundle of cells - it's not a baby. I think you need to speak to women who have 'chosen' this 'easy' route and you will see that it is a very traumatic choice for the vast majority of women who have been suckered into it. As far as late term abortion goes I am completely against it - completely.

I am all for teaching Darwins THEORY of evolution. When I was taught the theory none of the weaknesses of the theory were pointed out and, in fact, data were used to support the theory that have since been shown to be absolute lies. This is not the way to approach science and it is not the way to teach children how to look at data with a scientific eye. Darwin himself understood and was very open about the weaknesses in the theory. Is it too much to ask that our children be given the whole story? Listen - there are Darwinists out there who are rabid in their defense of the theory and will brook no dissent about it.

Abe has pointed out some important information about legislating and the abuse by the judiciary and he is correct. As always I appreciate Abe's calm manner in the face of so much frustration.

I also appreciate and enjoy everyone's comments and the intelligence with which viewpoints have been put forth.

24 July, 2005 22:49  
Blogger The Sparky said...

Hi Monicar I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs. Had to laugh about the definition that someone hooked onto regarding Twat and Cunt. Of course both mean the same, but it is definitely more severe to use the C-word than Twat. It seems to have got downgraded here to the similar meaning to that of Twit or Idiot. We use it quite a lot here I noticed that you said you are picking up more of our 4 letter words.

Mind you I like the use of some of your American ‘Euphemisms’ they make me laugh but are so apt. “Hey you trying to blow smoke up my arse”? Could use that one to most lefties trying wrong foot you and hoodwink you with bull-shit. LOL The Sparky

25 July, 2005 14:51  
Blogger Ca... said...

Skye: re, "Conservatives disagree with gay marriage and they aren't letting people do what they choose. They're trying with all their might to legislate against it."

I think you have "gay' confused with "homosexual" or even "queer". Please look up each of the terms in the dictionary and then decide which fits the lifestyle.

I am a poet and have always considered the term "gay' to be a beautiful and lilting word. I always intended to use it in a poem. Now, because of homosexuals and liberals, I fear that is impossible.

"Gone are the days when their hearts were young and gay, when their daily deeds made news, but the 'Old Timers' will remember them as their friends or neighbors, while the younger generations have heard of them in story." This by
Gladys E. Shippee, circa,-1948,-in Chestnut Hill Memories.

I fear these days are also gone, when this word can be used as it is intended. All for the sake of liberal perversion. Too bad...

25 July, 2005 15:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone commented on my blog that my posts reminded them of you.


25 July, 2005 16:30  
Blogger Gina said...

hey grizzly momma ,
duh ...didnt realize you were in my area ...hehe way to go philly ...

25 July, 2005 19:36  
Blogger Laura said...

Hey, "the sparky" that was me who started the twat controversy. I certainly did not mean it in the derogatory way that was brought to my attention [another words, cunt, I detest that word]. I love bullocks because it isn't as harsh sounding as shit, and I have really found never, ever use the word fanny. It has a totally different meaning to the American one. Bwahahaha. I found that out one night in a pub of all places.

25 July, 2005 19:40  
Blogger loboinok said...

Great blog, wanna exchange links?

25 July, 2005 21:19  
Blogger The Sparky said...

Hi Alice no offence taken by me, Twat would be a too milder word to describe Tony Blair! He definitely qualifies for the C word, Oh to hell with it he’s a cunt and a big one at that. Hope I don’t get locked up in the tower! He has left the barn door open since 1997 when he became PM, we have nearly a million illegal asylum seekers here that are not on any records and have just disappeared! This is on top of those he has given asylum to and many of them are Muslims! There are no troops on the streets of London or at the Ports, he is full of appeasement towards the Muslim leaders here.

To top it all the MPs at Houses of Parliament have just broken of for their summer holidays, they have only got 3 months break! Poor things, this on top of their Christmas and Easter Holidays, Now that is a load of Bollocks.
As for his wife, she is a right Fanny though (I have not used that word for ages) she is a left wing lawyer who recently defended a Muslim schoolgirl in our courts for the right to wear the full Muslim (Darth-Vader) Cover up job with her little peepholes in school! Blair to use an American expression I’ve heard on the films, is definitely Blowing Smoke up our arseholes!

No wonder I swear like a trooper! LOL The Sparky

25 July, 2005 22:58  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Sparky and Alice - what does 'fanny' mean when said in the UK?!? BTW Sparky I tagged you - see the book post. I agree that twat is much less serious than cunt. Cunt (ie: the 'c' word) is NOT to be used, ever! (hardly...)

Karen I saw that comment - it was our good buddy Steven. A young and highly intelligent college student who has a blog - the 'madam' blog. Check it out, he's great.

Gina - are you in Philly, too??!!

Jay777 - sure although it looks as though you have 7 or 8 blogs....which one?

Sparky I really can't stand Blairs wife. She sounds off the deep end whenever she decides to comment publicly about anything. I sometimes believe that Blair himself must hold the same views - he just isn't allowed to say anything like that outright. Or is more politically savvy and knows better.

25 July, 2005 23:57  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Oh and CA. I too wonder when the term 'gay' started to be used for homosexuals. I seem to remember being quite young and then was surprised that that was what 'gay' meant. I had believed it to mean happy and merry and light-hearted. Did you know that the rainbow was a symbol of homosexuality? Me neither - until one of my gay friends laughed so hard at me because I thought that displaying a rainbow sticker just meant one was happy. It was a pretty funny moment. I guess I am getting old, too.

26 July, 2005 00:01  
Blogger Laura said...

Fanny means of course in the good old US of A and a person's bottom, right? Well, in the U.K., much to my chagrin, when I actually blurted out in an overly crowded pub, "my fanny hurts!" I found out that fanny means your vagina. I don't have to tell you that Krip, and all the others had a great laugh at my expense.

26 July, 2005 09:33  
Blogger Laura said...

P.S. I have written more about our communication gap, i.e. translated words from British English to American English on my blog this a.m. So go see if you want.

26 July, 2005 09:57  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Oh okay - LOL! I'll come and check it out. Thanks.

26 July, 2005 12:18  
Blogger The Sparky said...

Hi Monicar, Alice and the rest of your Blog surfers. Yes Alice has got it in one, although fanny is not as harsh as the C-word. It used to be an old fashion name from the Victorian era I believe, but now an unfortunate one!
You might say to someone stop fannying around, it means get on with what ever you supposed to be doing, or you’re a right fanny, as a joke to someone who keeps getting it wrong. Either expressions are not taken as severe expletives.

Another expression for getting wrong is a right cock-up, which Blair has made on our home security by letting in the whole world without a quota and proper background checks. I think he is beginning to realise this now!

Hi Monicar I am relatively new to blogs and only set my where-sparks-fly.blog since the London bombing on July 7th. I have be putting some comments on the Englishman’s Castle and One dumb Brit’s blog since February mainly in protest to all the rules that Blair is imposing on the British people, most coming from this crap European Union that he is try to tie us up in! He banned hunting with dogs a tradition going back centuries. I have no strong feeling on that, it did no interfere with me. I thought the farmers and country people would know best on how to keep foxes under control. Now they get shot, either way they still end up dead. Also Electricians have had enormous new rules imposed on them since January 1st. Too long to go into, never the less to say before this date qualified sparks had full power to issues their own certificates on completion!

Regarding my tag not sure what I’m tagged for, what does it mean? Don’t want to seem dumb. I think from what I’ve read on your tag, it’s a little description on your interests. Married, London born and bred, Cockney if you want. Like documentaries on history read a little, trying to survive in this multicultural cesspit. Got to get out of here at sooner rather that later as we are being taken over, read my rantings on my blog. http://where-sparks-fly.blogspot.com/

Sorry to be vague but I am being very political and very non PC on my blog so I don’t want to give away my identity, incase the new Big Brother ‘thought’ police coming looking for me. I’m very much against the left wing political state that we Brits now live in.

26 July, 2005 21:21  
Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

I understand Sparky. It's only smart to be vague about one's identity in the blogosphere.

By being tagged - it means that you are to answer the questions that are asked. This tag is about books - see the questions in my tagged post - and then you answer them yourself. Mainly it's a pain in the ass to get tagged.:-) Once you answer the questions then you tag someone else so THEY have to answer the questions on their blog.

"Another expression for getting wrong is a right cock-up"

I don't have to tell anyone here what 'cock' means in the US, do I??

26 July, 2005 23:41  
Blogger The Sparky said...

Hi Monicar, I don't think so that is a word we both share! LOL
left a message on your tag post
not a lot of books I'm afraid.

27 July, 2005 21:19  

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